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Генеральный директор
"General Director" is a leading professional magazine geared toward top-tier executives, primarily targeting active business people aged 30 to 59. The majority of this audience, 79%, is male. These readers are business leaders with high status and income who are in charge of making budgetary decisions for their organizations. The magazine distinguishes itself by emphasizing the practical experience of managerial decisions, with articles frequently written by CEOs themselves. Each issue contains actionable business growth ideas that have been tested and shared by other CEOs from across Russia.
The magazine has a monthly circulation of 47,200 copies and a page count of 128-160. Each copy costs the equivalent of 1,380 rubles. It is delivered directly to the CEO's desk during working hours thanks to an address-based subscription. The majority of distribution, 85%, is federal, with the remaining 15% coming from premium retail outlets in major Russian cities.
The magazine's electronic version mirrors the print edition and is available on a dedicated website or mobile device, which was released concurrently with the print version. This digital edition includes a number of interactive features, including the ability for readers to bookmark, annotate, and categorize articles. Subscribers also get free webinars on relevant topics, monthly access to top business books, and enrollment opportunities in the "General Director" Leadership School. This school, founded in collaboration with a prestigious business institute, provides over 24 courses on a variety of topics, with certificates awarded upon completion.
The content of the magazine ranges from strategic planning and taxation to motivation, marketing, and financial analytics. It is a practical guide for business management that draws on the real-world experiences of Russian and international business leaders. Top consultants and expert practitioners contribute frequently, ensuring that readers receive concrete examples and actionable insights.
In essence, "General Director" is a treasure trove of leadership insights. Publishing in a professional and major trade publication would provide substantial evidence of material about an individual.
Аргументы и Факты
Медиакит АиФ
The Arguments and Facts weekly is one of the most authoritative and successful publications in Russia, a leader among socio-political weeklies, its circulation is more than 1.5 million copies, and has been published since January 1978.
The phenomenon of "AiF" is that it retains millions of copies, without turning into a tabloid publication. The level of journalistic skill of the Aifovites remains at an invariably high level, and therefore the publication is interesting to everyone - businessmen, politicians, civil servants, and the creative intelligentsia. According to TNS Russia, "AiF" is the leader among all weekly newspapers in Russia, the readership of one issue is more than 4.5 million people. And in terms of the semi-annual audience, the weekly is the leader among all print media in Russia with an indicator of almost 16.5 million people (Mediascope). In addition, "Arguments and Facts" is the most popular Russian publication abroad. The newspaper is distributed by subscription and retail in 60 countries of the world, including the CIS countries, as well as in Europe, the USA, Australia, Israel, etc. AiF also has the most extensive network of regional editorial offices - 64 in Russia, 17 - abroad. The website of the Arguments and Facts publishing house AIF.ru was created in 1997. In 2013, it was relaunched with a new design, improved technical device, and with it 35 regional satellites.
Currently, AIF.ru is in the TOP-10 most popular Internet media in Runet, the site is visited on average by about 28 million users per month (Liveinternet) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week site editorial explains what is happening in the country and the world, tells stories about amazing people and answers the questions. Daily - expert comments on hot topics, instructions and reminders for all occasions, special projects "Health" and "Kitchen", as well asonline conferences and online lectures. The Arguments and Facts Publishing House is one of the key players in the media advertising market. Among the advertising clents of the publishing house there are almost all international FMCG brands.
Aif.ru has 31.1 Million unique monthly visitors mostly from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Germany and Kazakhstan. The statistical analysis was performed by SimilarWeb, a market intelligence solution that provides customers with insights to help them understand, track and grow their digital market share. Moreover, SimilarWeb reports provide not only a number of unique visits to websites but also geographical location of the websites’ visitors. If a website has been visited by an audience living in different countries, it clearly demonstrates that the publication is indeed international and major
«Arguments and Facts» (AIF) is the largest Russian weekly newspaper. Published since 1978. One of the most authoritative and successful publications in Russia, the leader among socio-political weeklies, its circulation is more than 1.5 million copies. The newspaper is one of the most popular Russian publications abroad.
In May 1990, it entered the Guinness Book of Records for the largest circulation in the history of mankind – 33 441 100 copies with over 100 million readers.
Today it remains the leading socio-political weekly in Russia in terms of circulation.
According to TNS Russia, «Arguments and Facts» is the leader among all weekly newspapers in Russia, the readership of one issue is more than 4.5 million people. And in terms of the semi-annual audience, the weekly is the leader among all print media in Russia with an indicator of almost 16.5 million people (Mediascope-written above). (TNS Russia is a leading research company in the Russian market, representing three areas of research activity: syndicative media measurements, advertising and media monitoring, customized marketing research in sectors such as consumer markets, media, finance, IT and telecommunications, automobiles, pharmaceuticals and healthcare.)
«Arguments and Facts» is one of the most popular Russian publications abroad. The newspaper is distributed by subscription and retail in more than 60 countries around the world, including the Baltic States, Western Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia, Israel. AIF also has the most extensive network of regional editorial offices, 64 in Russia (partners and subsidiaries) and 17 abroad.
Winner of prestigious awards in the field of mass media.
1996 - Arguments and Facts receives the «Crystal Ball Award» in London as the best non-English-language newspaper.
In 2022, 2019, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2010, Arguments and Facts Publishing House received the " BRAND No. 1 " award.
The BRAND No. 1 competition was founded in 1998 and is a ranking of the leading brands on the Russian market in various areas.
«Arguments and Facts» is in the top 10 most cited newspapers according to Medialogy, ranking 8 th. According to the Arguments and Facts Publishing House, the audience of the «Arguments and Facts» newspaper is made up of men and women over the age of 16.
Информационное агентство «SM-News»
Медиакит SM-News (2021)
Publisher's name- SM-News - the major media. License major media: Media License IA No. FS 77-80727. Founder of Information Center LLC OGRN 1157154027370, TIN 7106034524. SM-News news Agency is registered as an online media publication on March 29. 2021 Media License IA No. FS 77-80727 issued by the Federal Service. For Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications - in the USA - The National Telecommunications and Information Administration of the USA.
SM.News website is supported by the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation - in the USA - The National elecommunications and Information Administration of the USA.
"SM News" is a Russian federal news agency covering the most current events in Russia and abroad. These are the most important events from the world of politics, economics, international relations, business, sports, finance, culture, auto, construction and tourism. The agency's website presents the latest news, analytical articles, research and opinion polls, as well as opinions of experts. "SM News" gathers a pool of experts, political scientists, public figures, whose opinion will most clearly reveal the essence of the events taking place in the world.
Analytics of sm.news site visits from an independent open analytical source www.similarweb.com The total average number of visits per month is more than 7,800,000 people.
The SM-News media rating is on the 16th place in Russia, Rambler reported. (December 10, 2019). According to the Internet portal Liveinternet.ru , SM-News entered the TOP 20 Russian online media.
At the end of March, the SM-News website with 69.9 million visits from mobile devices and desktops ranked 45th in the ranking of the most visited Russian Internet resources, according to SimilarWeb statistics. Compared to February, the number of visits to the resource increased by 24%. In first place at SimilarWeb was Yandex with 2.9 billion visits (+4.5% by February).
According to Yandex.Radar, in March the SM-News website ranked 84th among all popular Internet resources in Russia with 14.8 million visitors (unique users). The leader in this indicator was Yandex with 408.5 million visitors.
According to the above information, six objective testimonies from independent websites prove that "SM-News is one of the largest mass media in the Russian Federation. In accordance with the prevailing standard of proof, SM-News (SM.News.ru ) is defined as the main mass media and has a significant national and international distribution. The published material meets the preliminary requirements of this section and must be accepted.
Медиакит Комерсант (2023)
Founded: Kommersan was published in 1909. JSC Kommersant.
The Kommersant online publication (website domain name: kommersant.ru) is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor), registration number and registration decision date: series El No. FS77-76922 dated October 11 2019.
Kommersant is a prominent Russian daily newspaper and online publication that focuses on business and political news. Kommersant was first established in 1909 and has since become one of the most influential and respected media outlets in Russia. It covers a wide range of topics including politics, economics, finance, business, and current affairs. Kommersant is known for its daily newspaper, which is widely read among business professionals, politicians, and those interested in current affairs in Russia. In addition to the print edition, Kommersant maintains a strong online presence through its website and various digital platforms, providing real-time news updates, articles, and analysis. Since 1990, the publishing house has been releasing the newspaper "Kommersant," the first private business publication in Russia. Currently, the publishing house's portfolio includes the weekly lifestyle magazine "Kommersant WEEKEND," the monthly automotive magazine "Kommersant AVTOPilot," thematic supplements "DENGI" (Money) and "Kommersant KIDS," and the monthly color supplement "STIL" (Style) covering news and trends in fashion and lifestyle. In 1995, the publishing house launched the official website kommersant.ru. In the spring of 2010, the continuous information broadcasting radio station "Kommersant FM" started its operation. Year 2020: The culture department of Kommersant, represented by journalists Mikhail Trofimenkov, Boris Barabanov, Andrey Plakhov, Tatiana Kuznetsova, and department head Sergey Khodnev, was awarded the Government of Russia's Media Award "For many years of successful work in the field of journalism about culture and art." Year 2021: Kommersant FM became the laureate of the "TEFI-Multimedia" award in the category of "Social Action" for a radio marathon held on the day of the announcement of the message to the Federal Assembly. Kommersant Publishing House received the Runet 2021 award in the category of "Media and Mass Communications" for its significant contribution to the development of the internet industry in Russia. Throughout its history, Kommersant has received over 15 international and national awards.
According to the Similarweb analytical service, the official website is visited more than 50 million times a month.
Комсомольская Прадва
Медиакит сайта kp.ru
Комсомольская правда на Similarweb от (23 июля 2023)
"Komsomolskaya Pravda" is a famous news source. KP.ru, also known as "Komsomolskaya Pravda", is a Soviet and Russian daily socio-political newspaper. It has since 1997 expanded into an online publication, a radio station, and a television channel (2010-2014). All of these organizations are affiliated with the "Komsomolskaya Pravda" publishing house. KP.ru received the "Runet Awards" in the "State and Society" category in 2008.
KP.ru was awarded the "Runet Prize" in the "Culture, Media, and Mass Communications" category in 2020. KP.ru received the "Golden Site" award in 2012 and 2013. According to TNS, a global market research and data science group, KP.ru was the top-rated Russian Internet media in November 2013, with 21.5 million unique users per month. This figure had risen to 25.4 million unique users by January 2015.
According to the "Innosocium" social platform, a strategic initiative of the Roscongress Foundation:
"The 'Komsomolskaya Pravda' publishing house is Russia's largest multimedia holding." It includes print publications, Internet portals, and a radio station that broadcasts federally. The newspaper is distributed in over 450 cities across 85 Russian regions, and digests are published in 47 countries worldwide. With over 7 million unique daily visitors, the kp.ru website leads in audience reach in the 'Media' category. Radio 'Komsomolskaya Pravda' broadcasts in over 400 locations throughout Russia, reaching over 1.5 million listeners on a daily basis."
Komsomolskaya Pravda is the most popular Internet media in Russia in the "News and Media" category, according to Liveinternet, a Russian web analytics service. It receives over 100 million visits per month. Medialogia, a media analytics and monitoring firm, ranked it first among the most cited newspapers on social media in 2022 and sixth among the top 30 most cited newspapers in media.
KP.ru was named one of the top 20 most popular European news websites by comScore, a global media measurement and analytics company, in June 2013. According to Statista, a leading statistics portal, KP.ru is the second most popular news website in Russia in 2021. According to Pressreference.com, a global online directory of newspapers and magazines, "Komsomolskaya Pravda" ranks second among Russia's top ten daily newspapers. In 2019, Mediascope, a Russian audience measurement company, ranked kp.ru first, and Similarweb, a website traffic and engagement analytics platform, reported 80.9 million visits per month.
"Komsomolskaya Pravda" celebrated its 97th anniversary on May 24, 2022. The newspaper has featured works by well-known Soviet writers and poets. It received the Order of the Patriotic War, First Class, for its outstanding contributions during World War II. Its nearly 22 million copy circulation earned it a place in the Guinness World Records in 1990.
Given the evidence from these independent and credible sources, it is clear that "Komsomolskaya Pravda" is one of Russia's largest media outlets. KP.ru is undeniably a primary mass communication medium with significant national and international distribution.
Агентство перспективных научных исследований (АПНИ)
The Agency for Advanced Scientific Research (APNI) is a renowned scientific publishing house that has been in operation since 2014. Its primary mission is to disseminate and popularize scientific knowledge, ensuring that Russian science takes its proper place in the global scientific arena. APNI has carved a niche for itself in the realm of scientific literature by adhering to strict publication standards.
The "Aktualnyye Issledovaniya" Journal is one of APNI's flagship publications. This international multidisciplinary journal has attracted interest in both its print and electronic forms, the latter of which is hosted on the APNI portal. The journal's reputation is bolstered further by its inclusion in eLIBRARY.RU, Russia's most comprehensive electronic library of scientific publications, as well as its inclusion in the international Ulrich's Periodicals Directory.
APNI is currently developing a virtual discussion platform in order to foster global scientific discourse. This platform aims to serve as a meeting place for researchers from various countries to exchange ideas and engage in meaningful discussions. APNI has established the scientific journal "THEORIA: Pedagogy, Economics, and Law" to realize this vision. Furthermore, efforts are being made to establish additional journals spanning a variety of scientific disciplines. All of these journals will go through a rigorous double-blind peer review process to ensure the highest quality of published research while keeping both authors and reviewers anonymous. The APNI is dedicated to ensuring that these journals are included in reputable international citation databases.
The distinguished board members of the "Aktualnyye Issledovaniya" Journal highlight the journal's editorial excellence. Aziz Kalandarov, Ph.D. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences; Andrey Krasovsky, Ph.D. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences; and Alexander Tsurikov, Ph.D. in Technical Sciences are among the notable figures. All journal submissions are subjected to a rigorous peer-review process overseen by a scientific membership committee, ensuring the highest levels of academic integrity and quality.
The multilingual approach of APNI demonstrates its international scope. All of its publications are available in multiple languages, including Russian, English, Spanish, German, and French, ensuring that they are globally relevant and accessible.
Dr. Alexander A. Tkachev, APNI's visionary leader, continues to invite luminaries from the scientific and educational sectors to collaborate, join editorial boards, and contribute as reviewers. This collaborative spirit, combined with APNI's commitment to excellence, strengthens the organization's position as a leading scientific publishing house in the academic world.
https://tadviser.com/ (сайт на английском)
TAdviser (from English Technologies - technologies and Adviser - advisor, consultant, mentor) is a Russian Internet portal and analytical agency. TAdviser is a major player in Russia's corporate digitalization landscape and one of the country's largest portals dedicated to this topic. The portal is well-known for organizing corporate informatization events and provides a wide range of services ranging from analytical research and surveys to website development, content creation, and corporate publications.
TAdviser has an unrivaled amount of publicly available corporate information in Russia and the CIS countries. Its knowledge bases cover the entire lifecycle of an IT solution, from creation to implementation. This includes detailed articles on IT systems used in the corporate sector, a catalog of IT companies and their clientele, biographies of IT professionals, a structured catalog of IT projects by economic sectors, and a comprehensive database of the information systems used by IT client companies.
The search functionality of the portal is intended to be user-friendly, allowing users to find the best IT solution and provider based on implementation data and company experiences. It is widely regarded as Russia's most comprehensive resource on the topics mentioned above.
TAdviser's business portal is divided into three main categories:
Government: Organizations, individual biographies, and sociopolitical processes are all covered.
Business: Information about companies and key figures in the business world.
Information Technology: Supplier information, product catalogs, and IT projects.
For the first eight months of 2022, Russia accounted for 84.5% of TAdviser's audience, with Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan accounting for 6.6%. Germany and the United States each contributed 1.04% of the total audience. This large audience is primarily made up of people in their prime business years, with over 56% aged 25 to 44. The number of executives who have been loyal readers of the portal for years has steadily increased. According to Similarweb, TAdviser has 1.4 million monthly visitors.
Yandex studied TAdviser's audience and identified their commercial interests, revealing that the portal outperforms other sites in attracting people with diverse interests ranging from business establishment and IT to sports and luxury goods.
TAdviser's content in 2022 ranged from digitalization and IT market trends to articles on AI, programming languages, and global IT market trends. Their monthly audience was 2 million people, with daily weekday visits ranging from 50,000 to 70,000. The portal has 5.84 million page views per month, 22,800 registered users, and 295,000 encyclopedic articles. TAdviser has been in the market for 17 years and has firmly established its reputation since its inception in 2005.
Aside from its primary portal, the TAdviser team also manages Zdrav.Expert, a medtech portal focusing on IT in healthcare and medical technology innovations. TAdviser hosts 20 industry conferences each year, as well as two major TAdviser SummIT forums, each with over 700 attendees. The TAdviser IT-Prize award ceremony solidifies the company's position as a key player in the Russian IT sector.
TAdviser has received numerous awards, including the RUSSOFT "Best IT Media Award" in 2020 and a second-place finish in the "PR in IT Award - 2016" category for "Best Media Writing about Information Technology." TAdviser is an undeniable authority in the field of corporate digitalization and IT in Russia, thanks to these awards and its large readership and comprehensive content.
Медиакит РБК 360 (2023)
Медиакит РБК Онлайн (2023)
RBC (rbc.ru) is a leading Russian media company that provides comprehensive coverage of business, economic, and political news. It debuted in the business world in 1993 as the "RBC Daily" newspaper in Moscow. It grew into a multifaceted media powerhouse known for its in-depth coverage of business, economics, politics, and technology.
RBC's digital hub, rbc.ru, is central to its operations. This platform provides a diverse range of news, ranging from local and international events to complex financial market analyses and corporate narratives. RBC offers a suite of services tailored for investors and professionals, including invaluable financial data, market insights, and business intelligence, in addition to its primary news offerings. RBC's unwavering dedication to providing timely and accurate news has solidified the bank's reputation for high journalistic standards and independent reporting.
Similarweb data emphasizes RBC's digital prominence even more. The platform has 166.6 million total visits, far outnumbering its competitors: lenta.ru has 94.3 million, kommersant.ru has 44.4 million, gazeta.ru has 58.6 million, and vz.ru has 51.9 million. On the global stage, rbc.ru is ranked 334th, while in its home country, it is ranked 24th. RBC is ranked second among Russian News & Media Publishers, highlighting the bank's pivotal role in the country's media sector.
Looking deeper into its audience demographics, 86.01% of its visitors are from Russia. Belarus (3.48%), Kazakhstan (1.91%), Ukraine (1.13%), and even the United States (0.83%) are among the top contributors.
"RBC Pro" is a standout feature within RBC. This premium segment, which is only available by subscription, contains a wealth of expert knowledge. It includes content from a slew of luminaries, including top executives, business experts, and seasoned analysts. RBC Pro is more than just a collection of expert articles; it is a service that has been painstakingly designed to assist its subscribers in their professional and financial endeavors. The inclusion of content in RBC Pro demonstrates its quality, as only pieces deemed of expert quality by RBC's editorial team are featured in this elite section.
In conclusion, RBC, with its impressive audience metrics and a nearly two-decade legacy, is undeniably a major media pillar in Russia, shaping opinions and disseminating critical information to millions.
Новости Энергетики
Novostienergetiki.ru is Russia's leading industry news agency, devoted to providing comprehensive and real-time insights into the energy and construction sectors. With a commitment to objectivity and professionalism, this portal has established itself as an indispensable resource for industry specialists, comparable to Forbes.com's status among global business aficionados.
The mission of Novostienergetiki.ru is to provide cutting-edge news from the vast realm of energy, which includes atomic energy, electricity, heating, alternative energy, and energy conservation, among other things. The portal meticulously covers various aspects of the energy sector, ranging from oil, gas, and coal to the complex legislative changes that influence energy dynamics.
Its audience attests to its industry importance. Its readers, who come from a wide range of professions, include:
Managers and key employees of mining behemoths such as Gazprom (a global energy company focused on geological exploration, production, transportation, storage, processing, and sales of gas), LUKOIL (one of the largest international oil and gas companies with operations in exploration, production, refining, and marketing), and Transneft (the world's largest pipeline company responsible for transporting oil and oil products within Russia).
Power generation decision-makers, including hydroelectric, nuclear, and alternative energy enterprises such as JSC FGC UES (a leading electricity transmission company in Russia), GC Rosatom (the state atomic energy corporation in charge of the nation's nuclear industry), and JSC Rosenergoatom Concern (the operator of all nuclear power plants in Russia).
Personnel from energy distribution companies and other key industry participants.
Chief power engineers and managers from the metallurgy, chemical industry, mechanical engineering, housing, transportation, and agriculture construction sectors.
Market analysts, experts, and even Russian Federation Ministry of Energy representatives were present.
Beyond news, Novostienergetiki.ru promotes the importance of energy conservation and the evolution of alternative energy. In its pursuit of comprehensive coverage, the portal works with environmental organizations to keep its readers informed about both pioneering advances in clean energy and the environmental challenges associated with energy consumption.
Novostienergetiki.ru has a strong online presence. With over 2,000 energy industry specialists visiting the portal every day, it receives approximately 9,900 views per month. This broad reach, combined with its commitment to providing objective and comprehensive information, solidifies its position as a valuable resource for professionals looking to stay on top of industry developments.
In essence, Novostienergetiki.ru is more than just a news outlet; it's a comprehensive platform that combines expert forecasts, in-depth research, analytical articles, and a global perspective on energy issues, making it an indispensable resource for those attempting to navigate the ever-changing landscape of the energy sector.
“DNI.RU” (lit. Days.ru) (www.dni.ru) is a Russian online newspaper founded in December 2000. The publication combines the rapid release of fresh news materials that give the reader a complete picture of the day with the regular publication of exclusive materials on politics, economics, show business, sports, and cars. https://dni.ru/about.html Main website sections are Politics, Show Business, and Real Estate. The others are Economy, Society, Hi-Tech, Lifestyle, Sport, Auto, Horoscope, etc.
The audience of DNI.RU is predominantly active working men and women aged 30 to 60, people with different income levels. 70% of the readers are managers and specialists. More than half of the readers live in Russia, and more than a quarter are residents of Moscow. https://dni.ru/about.html
The online newspaper DNI.RU is a mass media registered by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (certificate El №FS77-62155 from 19 June, 2015)
As per the information on tadviser.com (a Russian Internet portal and analytical agency):
“Dni.ru is the Russian Internet- newspaper. It was founded in December 2000 (one of the first large domestic Internet MEDIA). The publication combines the operational release of fresh news materials that give the reader a complete picture of the day with the regular publication of exclusive materials about politics, economy, show business, sport, and cars.”
Being published on DNI.ru is considered a remarkable achievement, indicative of exceptional expertise, knowledge, and insights in a particular field. DNI.ru is a prestigious and highly regarded publication, renowned for providing its readers with insightful and engaging content on a range of topics, including science, economics, politics, and culture.
DNI.ru's reputation as a credible and reliable source of information and analysis makes it a highly coveted platform for professionals and experts who seek to share their views and research with a broader audience. Its readership includes influential figures in various sectors, including business, politics, and academia, who rely on the publication's expert insights to make informed decisions.
Furthermore, the editorial team at DNI.ru is known for its stringent standards and rigorous review process, which ensures that only the highest quality content is published. As a result, being featured in the publication is a testament to the quality and significance of the work being published, and it underscores the author's credibility and authority in their respective field.
DNI.RU, a major publication, covers a range of prominent and consequential developments and discoveries in the realm of science that have far-reaching implications for the global economy and are of particular interest to influential figures in the field of exploration and innovation. Such coverage serves to inform and enlighten readers on the most salient and impactful events in the scientific community, which can have profound effects on various professional sectors and the economy at large.
For example, DNI.ru, a prominent publication, recently released an article detailing the noteworthy discovery of the Zapadno-Karabashskoye oil field, which boasts oil reserves totaling a staggering 15 million tonnes. The discovery was made by a Russian oil company owned by the esteemed Arkady Abramovich. The project was spearheaded by AFB Chief Geologist Vladimir Kudinov, who provided his expert commentary on the discovery. Kudinov noted that the field's geological structure is complex, but the absence of hydrogen sulfide impurities in the onshore section of Astrakhan Oblast sets it apart. He went on to assert that if the declared figures are confirmed, the development of this field will be exceptionally lucrative and exceedingly cost-effective. This significant discovery marks the first time in recent years that a large-scale oil field of this magnitude has been found.
Site Statistics
According to pr-cy, in May 2023, DNI.RU was visited by 11,300,000 people, which shows that DNI.RU is a major media:
DNI.RU is “major media." The website has more than 11 million visits per month.
DNI.RU is mostly read by citizens of Russia (64.69%), Germany(9.93%), USA(5.30%), Latvia(4.50%), Belarus(4.20%), and others(11.39%)
A rating of Medialogy for 2022 shows that DNI.RU holds the 19th rank within the most Top 30 cited internet resources. It demonstrates that DNI.RU is a major media:
A rating of Infoselection in March,2023 shows that DNI.RU holds the 29th rank within the most Top 30 popular, authoritative and cited media in Russia. It proves DNI.RU is major media:
A rating of Lifeinternet in June 2023 shows that DNI.RU holds the 57th rank within the most Top 100 cited internet resources, which proves DNI.RU is major media:
News from DNI.RU is sited on another big media site - gazeta.ru https://www.gazeta.ru/tags/media/dni.ru.shtml.
Gazeta.ru site statistics show 62.4 million visits monthly.
Gazeta.ru is mostly read by citizens of Russia (85.36%), Germany (2.24%), USA (1.91%), Belarus (1.79%), Ukraine (1.68%), and others (7.01%)
A rating of Medialogy for January 2023 show that Gazeta.ru holds the 3rd rank within the most Top 30 cited internet resources. It demonstrates that Gazeta.ru is a major media:
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